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Extended Families

Sursă imagine: Autor: prof. Bogdan Georgiana Extended Families ( Part 2) Historians have always been in search of documents and proofs of the way in which early modern England families functioned and they have been interested in discussing and analysing the different types of families and households of the period. According to Patricia Crawford, […]

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Types of Families

Sursă imagine:–adriaen-thomasz-key-1544-1589.html Autor: prof. Bogdan Maria-Georgiana In early modern England, nuclear families were also known as patriarchal families because of the role attributed to men; patriarchal families represented the basic family unit of the time. As Helen Berry and Elizabeth Foyster observe about the history of the early modern family, in The Family in […]

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Children in Early Modern England and Contemporary Romania

Autor: prof. Bogdan Maria-Georgiana Sursă imagine: Families were the primary place where children could learn how to socialize and how to behave by looking at the examples offered within the household. The expectation was quite simple: to adapt to these models and to follow them in their future adult lives. The first lesson that […]

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Women in Early Modern England and Contemporary Romania

Autor: prof. Bogdan Maria-Georgiana In early modern England, society was gender-oriented, in the sense that women were seen as having specific responsibilities in the social circles, within the household and towards their husbands and children. Women were educated to understand that their role resided in the practice of and reputation of chastity. They had various […]

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Men in Early Modern England and Contemporary Romania

Early modern England was a complex society in which hierarchy, social roles and gender counted. They all had a serious impact on the lives of both men and women. The biblical advice was that women should keep to the house and men should see to the outside world, raising their children with the fear and […]

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„Saoirse Anne Donovan in the Beginning of a Battle”

Atât personajul creat, cât și textul, îi aparțin elevei Nikki Karantokki de la clasa a XI-a C.

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