Ziua Culturii Naționale – zbor printre cuvinte

„Ce-ți doresc eu ție, dulce Românie?”

de Cristina-Ioana Trandafir, clasa a X-a B

Creații plastice realizate de Eric Ștefan Oprea, clasa a VI-a A

Ce-ți doresc eu ție, dulce Românie?

să rămâi o frântură din inima mea!

Codrii tăi deși, nestrăbătuți,

să istorisească etern povestea neamului!

Pieptul de piatră al Munților Carpați

să îmbrățișeze cerul mereu senin, netulburat!

Șesurile întinse, acum albite de zăpezi,

în miezul verii să-ți legene grânele aurii,

așteptând somnoroase secerișul

și mișcându-și mustățile lungi în somn.

Să rămâi o împărăție a holdelor

și a apelor curgând în liniște,

Românie, frumusețe eternă!

Această imagine are atributul alt gol; numele fișierului este Oprea-Eric-6A-452x600.jpg

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Marriage in the Seventeenth Century in England and Nowadays Romania

Sursa imaginii: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/17th-century-portrait-married-couple.html?sortBy=relevant Autor: prof. Bogdan Georgiana The consent age for marriage in the Middle Ages in England was 14 for boys and 12 for girls and the marriage was mostly a business deal to secure the wealth and the social positions of the families. The age changes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as […]

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Limbi străine Uncategorized

Attitudes towards Marriage and Divorce in Early Modern England and Contemporary Romania

Sursa imaginii: https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/william-hogarth-marriage-a-la-mode-1-the-marriage-settlement Marriage is the connection between two people who want to make their relationship known and accepted by the society they live in; it is an institution in which both members have rights and responsibilities and both are protected by law; it is a relationship that is meant to be broken by death […]

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Noble Families in the Seventeenth Century in England

Sursa: https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/17th-century?page=5 Autor: prof. Bogdan Maria-Georgiana Nobility titles have a long history and their usage has also changed throughout time, and they have played important roles in the unfolding of different periods in history of one country or another. However, this aspect has changed a lot in the modern period and the members belonging to […]

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